Most important abbreviation for computing field

  1. ARP—Address Resolution Protocol
  2. ARPA—Address and Routing Parameter Area
  3. ARPA—Advanced Research Projects Agency
  4. AARP—AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
  5. AH—Active Hub
  6. ARPANET—Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
  7. ABI—Application Binary Interface
  8. Ajax—Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  9. ASCII—American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  10. ABR—Area Border Router
  11. ALGOL—Algorithmic Language
  12. ALU—Arithmetic and Logical Unit
  13. ASM—Algorithmic State Machine
  14. ACID—Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability
  15. ACK—ACKnowledgement
  16. ASP—Active Server Pages
  17. ASP—Application Service Provider
  18. ACL—Access Control List
  19. AST—Abstract Syntax Tree
  20. ANSI—American National Standards Institute
  21. ATM—Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  22. API—Application Programming Interface
  23. AWS—Amazon Web Services
  24. AWT—Abstract Window Toolkit
  25. ADT—Abstract Data Type
  26. BGP—Border Gateway Protocol
  27. bps—bits per second
  28. BAL—Basic Assembly Language
  29. bin—binary
  30. Bash—Bourne-again shell
  31. BASIC—Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
  32. BIOS—Basic Input-Output System
  33. BIND—Berkeley Internet Name Domain
  34. BJT—Bipolar Junction Transistor
  35. bit—binary digit
  36. BCC—Blind Carbon Copy
  37. Blog—Web Log
  38. BCD—Binary Coded Decimal
  39. BCD—Boot Configuration Data
  40. BCNF—Boyce–Codd normal form
  41. BER—Bit Error Rate
  42. BOOTP—Bootstrap Protocol
  43. BPDU—Bridge Protocol Data Unit
  44. BFS—Breadth-First Search
  45. CAD—Computer-Aided Design
  46. CIDR—Classless Inter-Domain Routing
  47. CAID—Computer-Aided Industrial Design
  48. CRC—Cyclic Redundancy Check
  49. CIR—Committed information rate
  50. CISC—Complex Instruction Set Computer
  51. CAPTCHA—Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
  52. CRS—Computer Reservations System
  53. CAT—Computer-Aided Translation
  54. CLI—Command Line Interface
  55. CASE—Computer-Aided Software Engineering
  56. CS—Computer Science
  57. CSE—Computer Science and Engineering
  58. CC—Carbon Copy
  59. CSI—Common System Interface
  60. CD—Compact Disc

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Link : 60 Most important computer abbreviations